2-15 Life, Health & Variable Annuity Pre-Licensing Course
Select Your Package!
- 2-15 Course
- Practice Exam The exam simulator mirrors the State Exam by topic percentages; pulls questions randomly from a huge database of questions; provides diagnostic feedback with your results; and provides individual question feedback.
- Flashcards Electronic flashcards help you learn by testing yourself with our huge database of questions; can be printed out; are mobile-friendly - study on the go wherever and whenever you can.
- Exam Cram Pass your state exam the first time with our Exam Cram Notes Ebook - Smart Notes.
- NAIFA Manual You will receive in the mail the required NAIFA Study Manual.
Silver Package
- 2-15 Course
- Practice Exam The exam simulator mirrors the State Exam by topic percentages; pulls questions randomly from a huge database of questions; provides diagnostic feedback with your results; and provides individual question feedback.
- Flashcards Electronic flashcards help you learn by testing yourself with our huge database of questions; can be printed out; are mobile-friendly - study on the go wherever and whenever you can.
- Exam Cram Pass your state exam the first time with our Exam Cram Notes Ebook - Smart Notes.
- NAIFA Manual You will receive in the mail the required NAIFA Study Manual.
Most Popular
Gold Package
- 2-15 Course
- Practice Exam The exam simulator mirrors the State Exam by topic percentages; pulls questions randomly from a huge database of questions; provides diagnostic feedback with your results; and provides individual question feedback.
- Flashcards Electronic flashcards help you learn by testing yourself with our huge database of questions; can be printed out; are mobile-friendly - study on the go wherever and whenever you can.
- Exam Cram Pass your state exam the first time with our Exam Cram Notes Ebook - Smart Notes.
- NAIFA Manual You will receive in the mail the required NAIFA Study Manual.
Platinum Package
- 2-15 Course
- Practice Exam The exam simulator mirrors the State Exam by topic percentages; pulls questions randomly from a huge database of questions; provides diagnostic feedback with your results; and provides individual question feedback.
- Flashcards Electronic flashcards help you learn by testing yourself with our huge database of questions; can be printed out; are mobile-friendly - study on the go wherever and whenever you can.
- Exam Cram Pass your state exam the first time with our Exam Cram Notes Ebook - Smart Notes.
- NAIFA Manual You will receive in the mail the required NAIFA Study Manual.
Kickstart your career in life, health, and variable annuities with our comprehensive, fully online, Florida-approved 2-15 Life, Health, & Variable Annuity Insurance Agent pre-licensing course, which includes the course final exam. This course equips you with all the tools necessary to ace Florida's life insurance (including variable annuity) license examination while fulfilling the 60-hour life insurance (including variable annuity) and health insurance pre-license education requirements. Upon successful completion, you'll be eligible to take the state examination at a PearsonVue site. Study at your own pace, with the added assurance of dedicated instructors available via email or telephone to support you throughout the process. Don't hesitate – enroll today and begin your journey towards a flourishing career in the insurance industry!
Topics of Instruction
Per Florida regulation, the General Lines Agent Pre-Licensing Course covers the following topics of instruction:
- General Insurance Principles
- Life (including Variable Annuity) and Health Insurance
- Florida Life, Variable Annuity, and Health Insurance Laws and Regulations
*Required Text: The Florida Department of Financial Services regulations require that all Life, Health, and Variable Annuity insurance agent license candidates obtain the latest edition of the NAIFA Study Manual from the Florida Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. If you do not order the Platinum Package, click here to order the manual online or order by phone: 850-893-4155.
FLDFS Provider #: 371609
Course Approval #: 109247
Enrollment Length: Unlimited Enrollment (take as little or as long as you need)